Be Strong
& Flexible

I help West London’s women achieve their first pull-ups, unlock the splits and build the confidence to lift heavy.

Train with me

Limited coaching spaces available

The sooner you apply, the sooner we can start our journey together.

I wasn’t always like this…

... but I worked for it.

... but I worked for it.

I wasn’t naturally strong.

My starting point was zero. No pull-up. No push-up. No splits. My training was random and inconsistent. I was terrified of even lifting a weight.

How do athletes train? Not like that.

It started slow, a programme I could stick to, smart exercises from people who knew better than I did, and building the courage to get in the gym.

Then i decided to dig deeper. I searched for the best coaches i could find, travelling Europe and South America.

I learnt the correct techniques, efficient exercise selection and how to periodise my training.

Progress became quicker than ever. I grew as a person.

Now I’m all about sharing what i’ve learnt with you.

Now it’s your turn

Limited coaching spaces available. The sooner you apply, the sooner we can start our journey together.